Description of Goods/Declared Value: household goods/$100/box or item |
Note:The above information can be updated at any time at https://www.boxngo.com/my-account/ |
WAIVER OF 72 HOUR NOTICE REQUIREMENT. By executing this Agreement, Customer acknowledges that they are aware of their right to receive this Agreement and all related documents at least 72 hours prior to the day of belongings pick up. By signing this Agreement below Customer acknowledges that they were provided a copy of this Agreement via electronic means or they expressly waive this right. |
INCORPORATION OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS. By executing this Agreement, Customer acknowledges and agrees that the Box-n-Go U Non-Negotiable Storage and Moving Services Agreement Terms and Conditions (“T & C”) as may be modified in accordance herewith, are a part and parcel of this Agreement, are expressly incorporated by reference herein and have been diligently reviewed and understood by Customer. Without limitation on the foregoing, all definitions set forth in the T &C are applicable herein. Customer and Company agree to be bound by all terms of this Agreement and any and all addenda, documents or exhibits, including but not limited to, the provisions relating to the Limitation of Company’s liability, the disclaimers of warranties, the limitations of value of Customer's property and the nature of Customer's property. |
FUTURE CHARGES AND FEES. Your belongings are subject to storage, transportation and other applicable charges and fees. Storage fees are at published rates (see www.boxngo.com) and currently are $10/mo for each Box-n-Go U box, $15/mo for each box of any other size or plastic tote, or individual item that one person can handle; $35 month for each bulky item, such as bicycle, mattress or similar. Transportation fees are waived if delivery/pick up are scheduled on FREE days, otherwise, published rates will apply. |
BELONGINGS ACCESS AT THE FACILITY. Your belongings will be stored at Box-n-Go Storage facility located at 6017 Randolph St., Commerce, CA 90040. When you require access to your belongings, please notify Box-n-Go U at least (3) business days in advance of such access. Belongings access at the facility is subject to published fees, facility schedule and rules and regulations in effect at the time of access. |
LIEN RIGHTS. By signing this Agreement below Customer acknowledges their understanding that their stored property may be subject to a claim of lien in favor of the Company for unpaid rent and other charges or any other default under this Agreement and may be sold by Company to satisfy lien if the rent and other charges remain unpaid or any other default occurs under this agreement for fourteen (14) consecutive days. This lien and its enforcement are authorized by Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 9601) of Division 9 of the California Commercial Code and California Civil Code § 3051.5. |
BOX/INDIVIDUAL ITEM PACKING. Customer agrees that each box or item turned in for storage will not exceeding a maximum of 50 pounds. All TVs and similar sensitive items must be packed into manufacturer original boxes prior to storage. Customer represents and warrants that no Prohibited Goods (liquids, chemicals, high value items) are packed inside the above boxes or items. Please refer to Terms and Conditions for further information. |
PRESS BOARD FURNITURE, APPLIANCES AND RESIDENCE CONDITIONS. Furniture manufactured from press board (particle board), IKEA or similar, is not designed to be moved. We recommend you disassemble it prior to storage. By signing this Agreement below Customer acknowledges their understanding that Box-n-Go U is not responsible for any damage to the above referenced type furniture, working condition of any appliances or condition of the floors and walls of the residence after items pick up or return. |
LIMITATION ON VALUE OF GOODS STORED. Customer agrees not to store Goods with the total value in excess of $100 per box, or $500 for all the boxes and items, without the prior written express consent of Company. Any consent may be withheld in Company’s sole discretion. If such written consent is not obtained, the then total value of Customer’s property shall be deemed not to exceed the limits listed above, notwithstanding any claim or proof to the contrary. |
PREMIUM PROTECTION COVERAGE PLAN ELECTION Customer understands that their property is stored at their sole risk. Customer agrees to insure the personal property for its full value against all risks. Protection coverage options at published rates are available. Note that Company is not responsible for losses to Customer’s property beyond the agreed to protection coverage limit, subject to the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement. If Customer has elected to add the optional protection coverage plan, they agree to pay the recurring costs associated with this plan. |
Future pick-up, storage and return charges are not shown and will be charged to customer’s credit/debit card automatically when due. Amount of storage charges will be established at the time of pick up. NO MONTHLY INVOICES OR STATEMENTS WILL BE SENT. |
I, the undersigned, authorize Box-n-Go U to perform the services listed in this Agreement and agree to pay all the fees and charges as detailed herein and all the recurring service charges, transportation charges, loading/unloading labor charges and other applicable additional fees and penalties incurred thereafter in accordance with this Agreement. |
Note: If a third-party signs this Agreement on behalf of the Customer, the signatory hereby represents and warrants that he/she is an agent of the Customer and is authorized to enter into the this Agreement on behalf of the Customer and bind the Customer to all its provisions, Terms and Conditions. The undersigned acknowledges that they may enforce the Terms and Provisions of this Agreement only in their capacity as an agent for the Customer and not as an individual Customer. |
Welcome Documents: Here are the variety of useful tips and forms that you may find beneficial while using our services. |