Flat Fee Movers, Inc. Service. PUC Cal T 0191190

dba Box-n-Go U - student a la carte and full-service storage

This Electronic Transaction and Communication Consent, Disclosure, and Agreement (collectively, the “E-Transaction Consent”) contains important information that you are entitled to receive before you consent to receive electronic notifications and records.

Please read this E-Transaction Consent carefully and print a copy for your files.


Box-n-Go U is a student storage service provided by Flat Fee Movers, Inc., where the labor services are provided by FFMI and storage is provided by Box-n-Go, LLC. Collectively this service is referred to as “Box-n-Go U”, “carrier”, “we,” “us,” “our”. As during the course of provision of our services we may occasionally wish to communicate certain information and written notices, as may be required by law, and to provide you, the signer(s) of this E-Transaction  Consent (“you”, “your” or “Shipper”) with disclosures (including those embedded within an agreement or other documents). This E-Transaction Consent therefore:

  • Discloses certain information to you that we are required to provide before obtaining your consent to receive such legally required notices and disclosures by electronic means,
  • Obtains your consent to electronically receive such legally required notices and disclosures (i.e., “Required Information”) in a manner that reasonably demonstrates your ability to access and retain the Required Information, and
  • Elicits your agreement to use electronic signatures (“e-signatures”) on documents we need to provide the storage or moving services, as requested by you.

Shipper’s Consent to Use Electronic Documents, Electronic Information Delivery Methods and Electronic Signatures

The California Public Utilities Commission (“Commission”), pursuant to Item 10 of the MAX 4 Tariff, requires carriers to provide shippers with this consent form (Item 475) in order to obtain the shipper’s consent to conduct business with the carrier using electronic means in lieu of traditional paper documents. This form advises you (shipper) that the use of electronic documents, including forms, and electronic signatures is optional. The Commission requires that you acknowledge and consent to the use of electronic documents, forms, and electronic signatures in lieu of paper copies. You must agree and sign this form for your consent to be valid.  The carrier is required to present you with an electronic copy of Item 475, “Shipper’s Consent To Use of Electronic Documents and Signatures,” at the time of your first contact with the carrier and prior to you entering into an Agreement for Moving Services with the carrier.

Types of Information Provided by Electronic Means

The information provided by electronic means may include, but not be limited to the following:

  • Legally required notices and disclosures
  • Account and services notices and invoices
  • Offers and miscellaneous information related to the services provided to you by Box-n-Go U and affiliated companies
By placing their initials to the left you understand and consent that until Box-n-Go U will have been notified to the contrary, per procedure outlined herein, all the Required Information, account notices, offers and information will be sent to the e-mail address or telephone number(s) on record via voice or text, and may be delivered through an automated dialing system and be pre-recorded. Please note that the consent given herein is not a condition of purchase.

Accessing and Retaining Information

Solely in conjunction with the provision of any storage and moving services to you, we will provide or make information and documents available to you in either HTML or PDF formats, or both. To access this information, you will need the following hardware and software:

  • Operating systems: Windows, Mac OS.
  • Browsers: Final release versions of Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Chrome or Safari.
  • PDF reader: Adobe Reader or similar software may be required to view and print PDF files.
  • Screen resolution: 800 x 600 minimum.
  • Enabled security settings: Allow per-session cookies.
  • Mobile OS with SMS communications enabled. Note that text messaging rates may apply.

Prerelease (beta) or older versions of operating systems and browsers may not be supported. You may download the most current versions of any software identified above by going to;;, or

To retain Required Information, you will need a printer (for printed copies) or a working hard drive or other storage device (to store electronic copies). As indicated above, we encourage you to print and/or save this E-Transaction Consent and any Required Information.

These technical requirements are subject to change. If they change, you will be provided with an updated version of this E-Transaction Consent and asked to provide us with your consent in a manner that reasonably demonstrates your ability to receive notices and disclosures under the new technical requirements.

How to Obtain Paper Copies of Required Information

You may request a free paper copy of Required Information we have electronically provided or made available to you at any time by contacting us at

Our Option to Provide Paper Documents

Your consent does not mean that we must provide the Required Information electronically. We may, at our option, deliver the Required Information and other communications to you on paper, should we choose to do so. We may also require that certain communications from you be delivered to us on paper at a specified address.

Withdrawing Your Consent

Item 10 of the MAX 4 Tariff provides that you (shipper) have the option and right to withdraw your consent to conduct business with the carrier by electronic means provided you give the carrier written notice of your withdrawal before you sign the Agreement for Moving Services (Item 450). Carriers are prohibited from charging you a fee in the event of such withdrawal. Under Item 10 of the MAX 4 Tariff, you have the right to request paper copies of any and all electronic documents related to your business with the carrier at any time, not to exceed a period of three years from the date the you signed Item 475, and the carrier is required to provide you with paper copies without charge either in person at carrier’s place of business, or through fax or U.S. mail within two (2) business days of your request.

If, after you have consented to receive the Required Information electronically, you decide that you wish to receive the Required Information on paper format only, you may withdraw your previously provided consent by either of the following means:

  • Decline to sign any document containing Required Information during any e-signature signing session.
  • Contact us as set forth below.

If you withdraw your consent to receive Required Information by electronic means, your storage and moving transaction may take longer to process and may be re-scheduled.

Informing Us of Your Current Email Address

You are responsible for providing us with a working individual email address to which we can send the Required Information and for ensuring that it is kept current in our files. Please inform us each time you change your email address by contacting us as set forth below.

How to Contact Box-n-Go U

You may contact us to:

  • Request paper copies of the Required Information,
  • Withdraw your prior consent to receive Required Information electronically, and
  • Inform us of your current email address.

In each instance, you may contact us by mailing us a Certified Letter addressed to Box-n-Go U, 6017 Randolph St. Commerce, Ca 90040. In the body of the request, state your current email address, full name, U.S. Postal address and telephone number.

Declaration, Consent and Agreement

Under the penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined the communication disclosures herein and consent requested by Box-n-Go to process this storage and moving service transaction. I have agreed to use the electronic communications and electronic signatures where indicated.


  1. Acknowledge that I have read and understand this E-Transaction Consent,
  2. Acknowledge that I can (a) print on paper or electronically save this E-Transaction Consent for my future reference, or (b) e-mail it to an address where I am able to so print or save it,
  3. Consent to receive the Required Information by the electronic means as may be described above,
  4. Acknowledge that I am reasonably demonstrating that I can access the Required Information in the form described above,
  5. Agree to the use of electronic signatures or otherwise manifesting my consent to the processing of electronic records (including those in which the Required Information is embedded) in conjunction with storage and moving services to be provided to me.
  6. Acknowledge my consent to receive account notices and other information via email, text or call as outlined above.

Do you (shipper) agree to conduct business by electronic means with the carrier and to accept electronic documents and to use electronic signatures in lieu of paper copies?

Shipper's Signature

Carrier Signature-FFMIR

Leave this empty:

Signature arrow sign here

Signed by BoxnGo Storage
Signed On: 02/04/2025

Signature Certificate
Document name: BnG U E-TRANSACTION CONSENT E-121
lock iconUnique Document ID: 71d1bd95b7819dab4f15f1d7b7c99fc69950a342
Timestamp Audit
12/05/2019 2:43 pm PDTBnG U E-TRANSACTION CONSENT E-121 Uploaded by BoxnGo Storage - IP