By placing a check mark in the box to the left Customer signifies that the above provided and displayed information is accurate and current. Occupant understands and consents that until Box-n-Go will have been notified to the contrary, all the account notices, offers and information will be sent to the above listed main and/or alternate address, e-mail address or telephone number(s) via mail, e-mail, voice or text, and may be delivered through an automated dialing system and be pre-recorded. Please note that the consent given herein is not a condition of purchase.

cropped-index-min-1-min.jpg NON-NEGOTIABLE STORAGE & MOVING
I consent to conduct my transactions with Box-n-Go electronically. I have read and understand this E-Transaction Consent and agree to all its provisions.
This Non-Negotiable Storage and Moving Services Agreement (hereafter “Agreement”) is entered into between Box-n-Go, LLC (hereafter “Box-n-Go”) and the Customer (hereafter “Customer” or “Occupant”), as identified below, constitutes an Agreement for delivery, storage and moving services, shipping order and freight bill.
  Agreement Issued On:
Customer Name: {{shipping_first_name}} {{shipping_last_name}} Billing Address: {{shipping_address_1}}
Mobile Number: {{billing_phone}} Billing Address: {{shipping_address_2}}
E-Mail: {{billing_email}} City, State, Zip: {{shipping_city}}, {{shipping_state}} {{shipping_postcode}}
Emergency (alternate) Contact:: As entered during online reservation    
WAIVER OF 72 HOUR NOTICE REQUIREMENT. By executing this agreement, Customer acknowledges that they are aware of their right to receive this Rental Agreement and all related documents containing terms and conditions at least 72 hours prior to receipt of the storage containers. By receipt and execution of this Agreement they expressly waive this right.
INCORPORATION OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS. By executing this agreement, Customer acknowledges and agrees that the Agreement Terms and Conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) as may be modified in accordance herewith, are a part and parcel of the Agreement between Customer and Box-n-Go, are expressly incorporated by reference herein and have been diligently reviewed and understood by Customer. Without limitation on the foregoing, all definitions set forth in Terms and Conditions are applicable herein. Customer and Box-n-Go agree to be bound by all terms of this Agreement and any and all addenda, documents or exhibits, including but not limited to, the provisions relating to the Limitation of Box-n-Go liability, the disclaimers of warranties, the limitations of value of Customer's property and the nature of Customer's property.
BELONGINGS ACCESS AT THE FACILITY. When you require access to your belongings, please schedule your access appointment with Box-n-Go in advance of such access. Next day access appointments must be placed by noon of the preceding business day. Charges will apply upon move out. Belongings access at the facility is subject to facility schedule and rules and regulations in effect at the time of access.
SCHEDULING CHANGES. All container deliveries and pick-ups occur between 8 am and 9 pm daily. Customer presence is not required unless access to the container(s) placement location is obstructed. If you would like to re-schedule or cancel your container delivery/pick up or access, please notify Box-n-Go at least 1 business day prior to your originally scheduled date or your account may be accessed the $50/unit re-scheduling fees and other applicable fees. Please note that we only allow for up to five (5) consecutive days of container storage at your location without prior agreement to the contrary. Pick-ups which were not previously scheduled may require up to 15 days’ notice to be scheduled. Please also note that containers scheduled to be picked up full must be padlocked as a condition of pick up. Similarly, empty containers that are scheduled to be picked up, must be empty, clean and free of all debris and belongings ($250 charge for not complying).
SERVICE CANCELLATION. Should this Agreement be cancelled, for any reason, in less than 1 business day prior to scheduled service delivery, Customer will be liable, as a minimum, for the local transportation fees (as posted at and minimum rent charges (as outlined in the Terms of this Agreement). The remaining balance collected from the Customer will be refunded to the credit card on file.
REDELIVERY (PICK-UP) ADVISORY. Customer understands that delivery of full units to Customer and pick up of empty units from Customer’s location is scheduled on a "first come, first serve" basis and must be scheduled well in advance. We recommend scheduling deliveries at least 7 to 15 days in advance.
LIEN RIGHTS. By executing this agreement Customer acknowledges their understanding that their stored property may be subject to a claim of lien in favor of Box-n-Go, LLC for unpaid rent and other charges or any other default under this agreement and may be sold by Box-n-Go to satisfy lien if the rent and other charges remain unpaid or any other default occurs under this agreement for fourteen (14) consecutive days. This lien and its enforcement are authorized by California Self-Storage Facility Act, chapter 10, division 8 of the business and professions code of the State of California (commencing with section 21700).
CONTAINER LOADING. Customer agrees to load each container with Goods not exceeding a maximum weight as listed at, evenly distributed throughout the container. Customer represents and warrants that goods in each Container do not include Prohibited Goods or heavy items that could easily shift during the pick-up and transit, i.e. items on rollers, unsecured heavy items, etc. Please refer to Terms and Conditions for further information.
LIMITATION ON VALUE OF GOODS STORED. Customer agrees not to store Goods with the total value in excess of $2,000 per container, or $20,000 per all containers, without the prior written express consent of Box-n-Go. Any consent may be withheld in Box-n-Go’s sole discretion. If such written consent is not obtained, the then total value of Customer’s property shall be deemed not to exceed the limits listed above, notwithstanding any claim or proof to the contrary.
RISK OF LOSS AND LIMITED LIABILITY. Customer agrees that Box-n-Go liability is limited under this agreement to a default Declared Value of $250/container, unless optional protection coverage plan is purchased by Customer. Any Box-n-Go liability under this Agreement begins with pick-up and ends with delivery of loaded containers. Customer further understands and agrees to follow the claims process as outlined in the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement
FUTURE CHARGES AND FEES. Customer belongings are subject to future storage and transportation fees at published rates (see The future storage charges may be subject to specific term discounts offered provided the customer has signed up to such term plan upfront and the account remained current throughout the duration of the plan.
UTILITY DOLLY RENTAL. If the Customer requests a utility or appliance dolly (hand truck) to be provided, Customer agrees to pay the daily charge associated with such dolly rental (plus all the applicable sales and use taxes) for the use of the utility dolly. The dolly must be returned to Box-n-Go upon the pick-up of the Box-n-Go storage containers from the customer. The dolly must be returned in the same condition as when it was rented by the customer. In case when the dolly is lost, stolen, damaged or otherwise rendered unusable the customer will be responsible for the full value of the dolly in the amount of $100.00. By placing their initials herein below, the customer authorizes Box-n-Go, LLC to debit all the charges under this addendum to the credit card as listed above. Should the customer's payment method be other than credit card, a refundable deposit in the amount of $100.00 shall be collected at the time of delivery.
LONG DISTANCE MOVING QUOTE VALIDITY. Customer understands and agrees that all moving prices listed herein are valid for shipments commencing 30 days from the date of this Agreement and belongings weight inside each unit not exceeding 2000 pounds. Should the actual shipment be scheduled after the price expiration or the weight exceed the above set limitation, the shipment will be re-quoted and contract amount adjusted based on then current market prices, the difference will be charged at the time of shipment. Further, Customer understands that that transit to a local destination service center will take up 10 - 14 business days. The delivery to the actual destination address will be scheduled once the units are received and will be subject to the local delivery schedules.
PROHIBITED ITEMS. Customer understands and agrees not to store any prohibited items (as detailed in the Terms and Conditions) and liquids of any kind. Customer will be held responsible for any damages to Customer belongings and those of other customers caused by non-compliance, regardless of the party responsible for placement of prohibited items and liquids inside the Customer’s storage containers.
By placing a check mark in the box to the left Customer signifies their understanding and agreement that the above provisions are applicable to ALL Box-n-Go container deliveries, as may be performed anytime during the life and validity of this Agreement.

Box-n-Go performs contactless delivery of the storage & moving services offered. Customer’s presence is not required at a time of delivery, container placements and pick up of the Box-n-Go storage containers. Customer must provide clear and easy to understand instructions on where the container(s) are to be placed and how they are to be oriented in relationship to other structures nearby. These delivery and container placement services are subject to the below additional terms and conditions and customer agrees as follows:

  1. Customer expressly acknowledges that the placement of the Customer’s unit(s) may differ from customer’s instructions and will be based on the actual space availability and other conditions at the time of delivery such as parking restrictions, anti-gridlock restrictions, etc. Should the Customer need further assistance with the unit(s) after placement, including the relocation, padlock cutting or door opening assistance, additional fees may apply.
  2. Customer expressly acknowledges their understanding that unit(s) placed on private property require specific permission from the property owner/management. Should the Customer not obtain such permission and request Box-n-Go to place the unit(s) at such locations, the property owner/management may request Box-n-Go to pick up/re-position those unit(s). Any additional pick up/re-positioning will be charged to Customer’s account at the current delivery fee schedule.
  3. Customer authorizes Box-n-Go delivery personnel to enter the Customer's property and drive the container delivery vehicle and or place Box-n-Go containers on Customer's property including driveway, lawn, back or side yard or any other portion of the property. Customer hereby understands that while Box-n-Go personnel will take all normal precautions while moving and placing the Box-n-Go containers, Customer will assume all responsibility for any damage that may result to the driveway, sidewalk, yard, lawn or other portion of the property. Customer further agrees to repair or replace any and all paving and any other surface improvements, landscaping and vegetation that may be damaged by the Box-n-Go container(s) or delivery vehicle. Please note that a minimum clearance of 96" wide and 100" high is required to accommodate the delivery vehicle.
By placing a check mark in the box to the left Customer signifies their understanding and agreement that the above provisions are applicable to ALL Box-n-Go current and future container deliveries, as may be performed anytime during the life and validity of this Agreement.
By placing the initials to the left Customer elects to have the recurring monthly fees and other charges be automatically billed to the credit/debit card bellow. Customer UNDERSTANDS THAT THIS IS A FREE SERVICE AND NO MONTHLY INVOICES OR STATEMENTS WILL BE SENT. Should Customer desire to have the recurring monthly fees and other charges be invoiced to their E-mail address, they must contact Box-n-Go at 1-877-269-6461 to set up this service. THERE IS A $10.00 MONTHLY FEE FOR THIS SERVICE.
I, the undersigned, authorize Box-n-Go, LLC to perform the services listed in this Agreement and agree to pay all the fees and charges as detailed herein and all the recurring service charges, transportation charges and other applicable additional fees and penalties incurred thereafter, until my occupancy has been terminated, in accordance with this Agreement. I further agree that any term discounts that may be provided as a part of this Agreement will expire when the original storage term is fulfilled, unless a new term is requested by me. Should the discounted term expire, the monthly rental fees due will revert to then current standard month-to-month rates, as published at
Note: If a third-party signs this Agreement on behalf of the Occupant, the signatory hereby represents and warrants that he/she is an agent of the Occupant and is authorized to enter into the BOX-N-GO, LLC Non-Negotiable Storage and Moving Services Agreement on behalf of the Occupant and bind the Occupant to all its provisions, Terms and Conditions. The undersigned acknowledges that they may enforce the Terms and Provisions of this Agreement only in their capacity as an agent for the Occupant and not as an individual Customer.
Welcome to Box-n-Go! In our effort to provide the best possible service to our customers, we have assembled a set of helpful articles and forms that can simplify your moving and storage process. Please follow this link to learn more.

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Timestamp Audit
05/18/2021 7:55 pm PDTBOX N GO, LLC FACILITY STORAGE AGREEMENT Uploaded by BoxnGo Storage - IP