What treasures might one find at a storage auction or box auction? Well, there are endless possibilities. Storage Wars Self Storage Auction Treasures include antiques, collectibles, appliances…anything imaginable. An average of 800 California storage unit auctions are held every month. These storage auctions and box auctions are opened to the general public with most bidders’ buying for the purpose of reselling for profit. Storage auctions ventura county is a great way to buy secondhand merchandise for pennies. If you sell at flea markets, garage sales or on e-Bay, you will probably find self storage online auctions to be one of your best sources of merchandise. However, even today, not many are really aware of storage unit auctions Los Angeles and other place and have various queries in their mind regarding the same. But do not worry as this blog will enlighten you about these kinds of Southern California storage auctions.
How Does The Storage Auctions Ventura Country and Other Places Work?
Be sure to arrive 10-15 minutes prior to a scheduled storage unit auctions Los Angeles. Before the auction storage starts, the mini storage unit auctions Los Angeles auctioneer will have a sign in sheet and a set of their company’s rules going over the terms and conditions of the storage units auctions. Most auctions are “live” or “verbal”. The sale will allow the storage facility to recoup some of their losses. The renter receives the profit over the actual amount owed on the unit. The winning bid seldom covers the past due rent. Cash is the acceptable form of payment and sales tax will be charged if the buyer cannot show valid resale license and proper identification. Storage locker auctions are different than most types of auctions. Make sure you do homework well and not go there unprepared. Then, there is a high chance that you won’t have any benefit.
Usually, you are bidding on the entire contents of a storage unit auctions los angeles. Units or lofts are usually viewed 1 by 1 with the viewing limited to the doorway entrance of the storage unit or container. The bidding starts after all bidders have had a viewing of the property. Bids sometimes start out as low as $1.00 and can proceed upwards with the property being sold to the highest bidder. Based on our experience average lots or units seem to sell for around $300.00. Don’t forget, the high bidder must remove all contents of the unit purchased within the time specified by the self storage facility. The facilities do not allow to use their garbage cans or dumpsters. They also expect us to keep the units broom swept clean. So, be very careful as they are quite strict about the rules and regulations.
How to Prepare for Southern California storage auctions?
Yes, you do need to take preparation before attending such southern California storage auctions ventura county. You need to know about the procedure and how you can gain the most from them. Before going, talk to someone who has already been into one and has got a great storage unit auctions Los Angeles box. You can ask your friends, family members or colleagues and enquire about this. If possible, note down a list of questions and drop them at question-answer websites or social media platforms.
What Can I Expect To Find if I Buy Storage Units at an Auction?
You really never know what you will find when you buy a unit at box auctions. Noone can actually promise you about what exactly to expect. Most storage shed auctions yield general household goods, furniture, electronics, clothing and personal records. Bidders do find money, jewelry, antiques and collectibles at these auctions. It is not uncommon to find someone’s whole household or business in a unit, with that in mind, you never know when you might stumble on someone’s life collection of who knows what! Remember you are usually viewing the property from an open entrance into a storage unit or container; this means that boxes and plastics storage containers can yield anything. Some units are packed very tightly. And due to this you won’t have the luxury of getting a view of the items that are behind what is blocking the entrance area.
What are the Common Myths related to Storage Box Auctions Los Angeles and other Places?
While many people are really fond of Storage Box Auctions Los Angeles or auctions at any other place for that matter, there are many who spread rumors. The common myth that you will come across that it is wastage of money and effort. Ignore such negative comments and participate in order to experience. You will also hear things like the storage operators remove things from the box right before the southern California storage auctions ventura county, etc. This is why you should research well so that you get rid of all your doubts before attending the auction. Also, you have to go through all the reviews of former participants to find out what treasures they have got out of the boxes. But make sure you read them from an authentic website. There are several videos on YouTube as well.
How Can I Find Out Where The Storage Auctions Ventura County Are Taking Place?
The second question that most people have in their minds is that how come they will know about box auctions! Indeed, a very valid question. Well, you can find out from various sources where storage auctions take place. Public Southern California storage auctions ventura county in ca posts legal notices in newspapers. There are also websites and auctioneers who all provide very limited schedules of self storage auctions. Contacting the different self storage companies will yield you the highest results.
For more such information, you can get in touch with the team of Box-n-Go. We will be happy to help you out!